I came across an error after upgrading a Plesk server from 8.6 to 9.2.3:

# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mchk --with-spam
==> Checking for: mailsrv_conf_init... ok
==> Checking for: mail_mailbox_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mailsrv_entities_dump... ok
==> Checking for: mail_admin_aliases... ok
==> Checking for: mail_auth_dump... ok
==> Checking for: mailman_lists_dump... ok
==> Checking for: mail_responder_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mail_drweb_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mail_kav_restore... not exsists
==> Checking for: mail_spf_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mail_dk_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mail_grey_restore... ok
awk: cmd. line:50: (END OF FILE)
awk: cmd. line:50: invalid char '�' in expression
unable to process "pop3d"
awk: cmd. line:50: (END OF FILE)
awk: cmd. line:50: invalid char '�' in expression
unable to process "pop3d-ssl"
awk: cmd. line:50: (END OF FILE)
awk: cmd. line:50: invalid char '�' in expression
unable to process "imapd"
awk: cmd. line:50: (END OF FILE)
awk: cmd. line:50: invalid char '�' in expression
unable to process "imapd-ssl" 

As it turns out, all the sub-processes completed normally if run on their own, so the problem was with mchk itself.  If ound out that mchk calls courier_authpsa_configure and found that there is a syntax error – looks like a newline inserted by accident.

To get around this, open /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/courier_authpsa_configure  in a text editor and scroll down to line 80.  Replaced the following line:

' $conf >>$temp


}' $conf >>$temp

Now mchk should complete normally:

# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mchk --with-spam
==> Checking for: mail_spam_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mailsrv_conf_init... ok
==> Checking for: mail_mailbox_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mailsrv_entities_dump... ok
==> Checking for: mail_admin_aliases... ok
==> Checking for: mail_auth_dump... ok
==> Checking for: mailman_lists_dump... ok
==> Checking for: mail_responder_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mail_drweb_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mail_kav_restore... not exsists
==> Checking for: mail_spf_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mail_dk_restore... ok
==> Checking for: mail_grey_restore... ok 

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